It’s Been Awhile

Hello everyone, It’s been awhile since I last posted on here. I was actually still in college when I wrote my last post over two years ago. Yikes!

Anyway, I have been thinking about it for awhile now and I’m thinking about revamping my blog, doing more book reviews and such. It won’t be just book reviews but I’m still thinking about what else I would like to write about. Maybe apologetics? maybe just faith in general? who knows? not even me.

That being said, I will definitely be changing the look of the blog but I’m thinking the name will stick because I love peonies, books, and tea, amongst many other things. I think it’s fitting for a blog that focuses on book reviews. I must warn you though, my taste in books is quite varied. I will be reading paramilitary suspense one minute and theology the next. Some of my other favorite genre’s are biographies, Christian romance, military history, apologetics, science, etc.

I hope the few of you who are still following my blog will enjoy this new change and hopefully I will be able to gain some new readers with the change as well. I will be honest, I am losing my job next month and due to health issues I am taking some time off of work to see some specialists and get some more answers. That means I will have plenty of time to work on this during my work hiatus. Here’s to change and new beginnings! I hope you have a blessed night!

P.S. I’m just now realizing how much I have missed writing on my blog, it’s quite therapeutic!

Much Love,

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